Hyatt Regency Dallas
300 Reunion Boulevard
Dallas, TX 75207
United States
Digital Notebook and TSTPI Model:
Institute Evaluation Survey
Thank you for joining us in Dallas to learn together about teaching and learning in the Talent Strong Texas Pathways framework! We enjoyed collaborating with you and your teams in service to our students.
Your feedback is very important to us. Your responses are anonymous and will be compiled by our external evaluators at Shore Research so we can continue to serve you better at future institutes.
Please take a few moments to complete our anonymous evaluation survey HERE
- Pre-Readings
- Cadre 1
- Cadre 2
- Cadre 3
- Pre-Institute Materials
- Concurrent Sessions
- Plenary Presentations
Each participant is invited to select a set of readings which will best advance their desired personal growth in leadership skills development.
Recommended Readings:
- Building a Stronger Texas Workforce Together. (August 2022). Austin, TX: Texas Association of Community Colleges and Texas Success Center.
- Griffin, S., Klempin, S., and Jenkins, D. (October 2021). Using Guided Pathways to Build Cross-Sector Pathways Partnerships. Columbia University, Teachers College, Community College Research Center.
- Zatynski, M., Witham, K., Wyner, J. (June 2016). Structural Equity: Big-Picture Thinking & Partnerships That Improve Community College Student Outcomes. Aspen, CO: The Aspen Institute.
- Lin, Y., Fay, M., and Fink, J. (December 2020). One Approach to Narrowing Equity Gaps in the Trajectories of Community College Students. Columbia University, Teachers College, Community College Research Center.
- Fink, J., and Jenkins, D. (2020). Unpacking Program Enrollments and Completions With Equity in Mind. Columbia University, Teachers College, Community College Research Center.
- Kezar, A., Holcomb, E., Vigil, D., Dizon, J. (2021). Shared Equity Leadership: Making Equity Everyone’s Work. Washington, DC: American Council on Education; Los Angeles: University of Southern California, Pullias Center for Higher Education.
- Wyner, J. (2021). The Role of Presidents, Trustees, and College Leaders in Student Success. Aspen, CO: The Aspen Institute.