Translating Opportunity Texas


Translating Opportunity Texas is a coalition of partners working with Texas colleges to establish effective English as a Second Language practices, within their Talent Strong Texas Pathways framework for institutional reform, from adult education to credentials of value, including industry-based certifications, certificates, and degrees, leading to careers with living wages.


​​Current Landscape

In 2023, WestEd and Student-Ready Strategies published a report, Translating Opportunity: Improving Postsecondary Pathways for Multilingual Learners of English, which 1) examines the characteristics of the MLE students, who play an important role in U.S. society but are often marginalized and underserved in the postsecondary system; 2) explains how postsecondary education policies, structures, and practices impact this population; 3) identifies the supports that MLE students, faculty, and staff need to increase student success in the postsecondary space. Using a multi-strand approach (outlined below), insights were made that Translating Opportunity is now putting into action in collaboration with Texas colleges.


Key Insights

  • The MLE population is complex and diverse, and it is critical to understand the population and context within a particular institution.
  • MLE students are more successful when English as a Second Language (ESL) programs are aligned across Adult Education and college programs and create clear pathways into certificate or degree programs.
  • Colleges can undertake a number of evidence-based practices to improve pathways for MLE students including: gathering data and evidence to identify and address barriers to student success, shortening and simplifying ESL course sequences, improving placement practices, and providing holistic supports.


Cohort 1 Colleges:

  • Amarillo College
  • Brazosport College
  • El Paso Community College
  • Houston Community College

Resource Lit Review:

Slide Deck & Webinar Recording:

Translating Opportunity Texas is made possible by support from Ascendium Education Group.



Amy & RLH


Multilingual Learners of English Discuss the Importance of a Culture of Care in Higher Ed
Multilingual Learners of English Discuss Pursuing their Postsecondary Goals
Multilingual Learners of English Discuss Balancing Life + Higher Education

More information coming soon!
