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On Second Thought - U.S. Adults Reflect on Their Education Decisions
Strada Education Network, Gallup (2017)
Making Ends Meet: The Role of Community Colleges in Student Financial Health
CCCSE (2017)
How and Why do Adjunct Instructors Affect Students’ Academic Outcomes? Evidence From Two-Year and Four-Year Colleges
CAPSEE (2018)
Corequisite Remediation Pilot Study 2014-2015 and Full Implementation 2015
Tennessee Board of Regents (2016)
Integrated Education and Training Policy: 50 State Scan
National Skills Coalition (2016)
Key Considerations for Choosing Technology Solutions to Support Guided Pathways
AACC, NCII, & CCRC (2017)
Hard Work and Soft Skills: The Attitudes, Abilities, and Character of Students in Career and Technical Education
AEI (2018)
The Effectiveness of Education and Employment Programming for Prisoners
AEI (2018)
Texas Student Success Council: Finding Common Ground to Increase Community College Completion
JFF (2014)
Fundamental Features of Corequisite Remediation
Tennessee Board of Regents (n.d.)
Core Principles for Transforming Remediation Within a Comprehensive Student Success Strategy
ATD, AACC, CCA, Dana Center, ECS, & JFF (2015)
Decoding the Cost of College: The Case for Transparent Financial Aid Award Letters
New America & uAspire (2018)
Is Corequisite Remediation Cost-Effective? Early Findings from Tennessee
CCRC (2016)
How States are Implementing Transition Curricula: Results from a National Scan
CCRC (2017)
Diversifying STEM: Student Success and Community College Transfer in Engineering and Computer Science in Texas
Society of Women Engineers (2017)
Performance Funding Policy Effects on Community College Outomes: Are Short-Term Certificates on the Rise?
CCRC (2017)
Borrowing Among Academically Underprepared Students: Facilitating Success or Perpetuating Inequity at the Community College?
GTF (2016)
Implementing Guided Pathways - Early Insights from AACC Pathways Colleges
CCRC (2017)
Is It Really Cheaper to Start at a Community College? The Consequences of Inefficient Transfer for Community College Students Seeking Bachelor’s Degrees
CCRC (2017)
Dual Credit Education in Texas: Interim Report
RAND Corporation (2017)