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Presidential Succession Planning – Dr. Steve McCleery
CCATT 2019
Review of 86Th Legislature - State Representative Chris Turner
CCATT 2019
College Data Walk and Strategic Planning for Board Members – Dr. Rose Martinez and Dr. Cynthia Ferrell
CCATT 2019
College Accountability and Accreditation – Dr. Johnette McKown
CCATT 2019
Fall 2018 Tuition Fee Results
TACC 2019
2019 TACC Summer Meeting Agenda
TACC, 2019
Relevant Bills Enacted by the 86th Texas Legislature
TACC, 2019
Education Commission of the States - National Forum on Ed Policy 2019
Postsecondary Data Infrastructure: What is Possible Today
Georgetown University, Massive Data Institute (2019)
Making "Free College" Programs Work for College Students with Children
Institute for Women's Policy Research (2019)
Correction by Degrees: Postsecondary Programs in Prisons
National Conference of State Legislatures (2019)
An Unknown Landscape: Short-Term Job-Focused College Programs
Opportunity America (2019)
Texas Community Colleges by Region
TACC 2019
Scaling Success: Lessons from the ASAP Expansion at Bronx Community College
CCRC (2019)
Best Practices for Financial Literacy and Education at Institutions of Higher Education
U.S. Financial Literacy and Education Committee (2019)
Debt to Society: The Case for Bold, Equitable Student Loan Cancellation and Reform
Dēmos (2019)
Setting A North Star: Motivations, Implications, and Approaches to State Postsecondary Attainment Goals
Ithaka S+R
Casualties of College Debt: What Data Show and Experts Say About Who Defaults and Why
The Institute for College Access & Success