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It Made the Sacrifices Worth It: The Latino Experience in Higher Education
Unidos US/UNC Center for Community Capital (2018)
Protocol for Assessing Equity Mindedness
CUE (2016)
Supporting Latino College Achievement: Insights from the LATIDO Roundtable
MDRC (2018)
Time Demands of Single Mother College Students and the Role of Child Care in their Postsecondary Success
IWPR (2018)
Women Can't Win: Despite Making Educational Gains and Pursuing High-Wage Majors, Women Still Earn Less than Men
Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce (2018)
The Impact of Occupational Licensing on Labor Market Outcomes of College-Educated Workers
CCRC (2018)
Degree Attainment for Black Adults: National and State Trends
The Education Trust (2018)
Gaps in College Spending Shortchange Students of Color
Center for American Progress (2018)
Indicators of Higher Educational Equity in the United States: 2018 Historical Trend Report
Pell Institute & PennAHEAD (2018)
Latino Education and Economic Progress
Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce (2017)
Reframing the Question of Equity: Understanding the Growing Importance of Success for Community Colleges’ Part-Time Students
EAB (2018)
The Neglected College Race Gap: Racial Disparities Among College Completers
Center for American Progress (2018)
Understanding the New College Majority: The Demographic and Financial Characteristics of Independent Students and their Postsecondary Outcomes
IWPR (2018)
Powerful Partners: Businesses and Community Colleges
National Skills Coalition (2018)
Working Before, During, and After Beginning ata Public 2-Year Institution: Labor Market Experiences of Community College Students
National Center for Education Statistics (2018)
Degree Attainment for Latino Adults: National and State Trends
The Education Trust (2018)
Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs): 2016-17
Excelencia in Education (2018)
Investing in Single Mothers’ Higher Education: Costs and Benefits to Individuals, Families, and Society
IWPR (2018)