Resource Library
The Dual Enrollment Playbook
The Aspen Institute & CCRC (2020)
State of Student Aid and Higher Education in Texas
Trellis Company (2020)
Advancing Equity Through Guided Pathways
National Center for Inquiry & Improvement
The Overlooked Value of Certificates and Associate's Degrees
Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce (2020)
Informing Improvement: Recommendations for Enhancing Accreditor Data-Use to Promote Student Success and Equity
Institute for Higher Education Policy
Unbarring Access: A Landscape Review of Postsecondary Education in Prison and Its Pedagogical Supports
Ithaka S+R (2019)
Young Adult Educational and Employment Outcomes by Family Socioeconomic Status
National Center for Education Statistics (2019)
Indicators of Higher Education Equity in the United States
The Pell Institute & PennAHEAD (2019)
Achieving 60x30TX: A Dual-Credit Strategy- Dr. Villarreal
TACC, 2019
A Rising Share of Undergraduates Are From Poor Families, Especially at Less Selective Colleges
Pew Research Center (2019)
The Cost of Opportunity: Student Stories of College Affordability
Institute for Higher Education Policy (2019)
Born to Win, Schooled to Lose: Why Equally Talented Students Don't Get Equal Chances to Be All They Can Be
Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce (2019)
Embedding Equity-Mindedness
Center for Urban Education, University of Southern California
Inequitable Funding, Inequitable Results: Racial Disparities at Public Colleges
The Institute for College Access & Success (2019)
Making Equity Intentional: The Role of State Policy in Removing Barriers for Underserved Students to Access Dual Enrollment Opportunities
HCM Strategists (2019)
A Profile of Highly Skilled Mexican Immigrants in Texas and the United States
Migration Policy Institute (2019)
Latinos in Higher Education: Compilation of Fast Facts
Excelencia in Education (2019)
Meet the Millions of Young Adults Who Are Out of Work
Brookings Institution (2019)
When Commitment Leads to Transformative Change: How Partnerships Pave the Road to Careers for High-Need Students
JFF (2019)
De la Ciudad a la Frontera: Advancing Latino Male Students in Border and Urban Regions in Texas
The University of Texas at Austin (2019)