Resource Library
The Evolution of Career and Technical Education: 1982-2013
American Enterprise Institute (2019)
Who is the Modern CTE Student? A Descriptive Portrait of Career and Technical Education Students in Texas
American Enterprise Institute (2019)
Building a Fast Track to College
Education Reform Now (2019)
Career and College Exploration Experiences: Planning for Success
JFF (2019)
A Career-Oriented Summer: Planning Your Summer Bridge Program
JFF (2019)
High School-to-College Transition Courses: A Typology of Design Choices
CCRC (2018)
Math Transition Courses in Context: Preparing Students for College Success
CCRC (2018)
Remedial Math Goes to High School: The Impact of the Tennessee SAILS Program
Harvard University Center for Education Policy Research
College and Career Pathways: Equity and Access
ExcelinEd (2018)
K-12 Education: Public High Schools with More Students in Poverty and Smaller Schools Provide Fewer Academic Offerings to Prepare for College
Government Accountability Office (2018)
Aligning for Student Success: How Community Colleges Work With K-12 to Improve College and Career Outcomes
Education Strategy Group, American Association of Community Colleges, & Association of Community College Trustees (2018)
English Transition Courses in Context: Preparing Students for College Success
CCRC (2018)
STEM Dual Enrollment: Model Policy Components
Education Commission of the States (2018)
ESSA: State-by-State Analysis: Strategies for Incorporating College in High School Programs into the Every Student Succeeds Act
College in High School Alliance (2018)
Beyond Academic Readiness: Building a Broader Range of Skills for Success in College
JFF (2017)
How States are Implementing Transition Curricula: Results from a National Scan
CCRC (2017)
Hard Work and Soft Skills: The Attitudes, Abilities, and Character of Students in Career and Technical Education
AEI (2018)
Career and Technical Education Programs in Public School Districts: 2016-17
NCES (2018)
College and Career Readiness
George W. Bush Institute (2018)