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Meet the Millions of Young Adults Who Are Out of Work
Brookings Institution (2019)
TX community colleges are a pathway
TACC 2019
Diverse students are the fastest growing demographic in the U.S. and we believe #TXcommunitycolleges provide pathways for all Texans to advance to the next level. We are accessible, affordable and relevant. #WeServeAllTexans #60x30TX #txlege
Dual Credit Works for Texas
TACC 2019
We believe #dualcreditworks & #TXcommunitycolleges enroll more than 92% of all dual credit students in Texas. If you'd like to learn more about why we support the establishment of a statewide goal for participation, check out some quick facts below! THREAD:
Continued support for Texas community colleges
TACC 2019
#TXcommunitycolleges are grateful to the House Appropriations Committee for its strong support! HB 1 increases formula funding by $75.2M over FYs 2018-2019 biennium. @RepJohnZerwas & @DrGregBonnen must know, #WeServeAllTexans! #txlege
Congrats San Jacinto: Aspen Award
TACC 2019
Congratulations @SanJacCollege for being named a Rising Star by @AspenInstitute for Community College Excellence @AspenHigherEd #AspenPrize #WeServeAllTexans
Cooke Foundation Report Meme
TACC 2019
KEY FINDING: @TheJKCF study confirms "community college students who transfer to selective institutions have equal to HIGHER grad rates as students who enrolled directly from HS or those who transferred from other 4-yr institutions." #ccmonth READ MORE: …
Honor to Serve TX Community Colleges
TACC 2019
THANK YOU: We're grateful to serve 50 community college districts across the great state of Texas! #TXcommunitycolleges #WeServeAllTexans #dualcreditworks #WePutTexanstoWork
Percentages and characteristics of trad and non-trad students, 2016
TACC 2019
The majority of students we serve are nontraditional and the @USGAO's report on the pervasiveness of #foodinsecurity across college campuses reinvigorates our commitment to meet students where they are! Read more: … #WeServeAllTexans
Amarillo College Leah Meyer Austin Award
TACC 2019
Congratulations: @AmarilloCollege was named one of 2019 Leah Meyer Austin Award winners for @AchieveTheDream! Selected and honored for showing measurable improvement in student outcomes driven by top-to-bottom cultural change in the institution. Read more: …
Defining OER
TACC 2019
Open Eductional Resources (#OER) create equal access to high quality instructional materials for students. #TXcommunitycolleges advocate for ALL who desire to learn despite their finacial status. Read more on the effect textbook prices have on students: …
Congrats Palo Alto: Aspen Award
TACC 2019
Congratulations @PACPR for being named a Rising Star by @AspenInstitute for Community College Excellence @AspenHigherEd #AspenPrize #WeServeAllTexans
TX community colleges are supported by 3 sources
TACC 2019
The number of Texans enrolled in community colleges has roughly doubled since 1990, & we play a key role in the state's workforce development & educational attainment goals. Let's continue serving all Texans by keeping #TXcommunitycolleges the 3rd most affordable in the Nation!
Forging Pathways to Purposeful Work: The Role of Higher Education
Gallup & Bates College
Don't Stop Improving: Supporting Data-Driven Continuous Improvement in College Student Outcomes
The Institute for College Access & Success (2019)
State Higher Education Finance: FY 2018
SHEEO (2019)
A Mind at Work: Maximizing the Relationship Between Mindset and Student Success
Center for Community College Student Engagement (2019)
The State of American Higher Education Outcomes in 2019
Third Way (2019)
60x30TX: Texas Higher Education Strategic Plan 2015-2030
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (2015)
Jack Kent Cooke Foundation, "Persistence" Study 2019
TACC 2019
De la Ciudad a la Frontera: Advancing Latino Male Students in Border and Urban Regions in Texas
The University of Texas at Austin (2019)