Texas Corequisite Project Webinar: The Brightening Path: Placement Strategies, Readiness and Corequisite Support

Wednesday, August 12, 2020
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Carolynn Reed

11:00 a.m.-noon Central

When it comes to placement and developmental education, what are we doing right and not so right? In 2013, North Carolina implemented a multiple measures of placement policy that evolved as colleges learned more about how students succeed. The current placement model includes scaled supports, including corequisite models, based on high school GPA. This presentation will shed more light on what college readiness is, and how our efforts to reform placement and academic supports are making things significantly better for students.

Presenter: Dr. Brad Bostian, English Instructor and Director, First Year Experience

Dr. Brad Bostian is an English instructor and Director of First Year Experience at Central Piedmont Community College. He has chaired Placement Testing and Multiple Measures for Placement committees for the North Carolina Community College System, and participated in the Developmental Education Initiative, Research Team, Data Initiative, and Multiple Pathways to High School Equivalency. Topics of research interest include the policies and practices that make meaningful differences in student learning and success.