Wednesday, March 15, 2023
Planner Contact
Elizabeth Chivers
TACC Administrative Salary Information Request FY 2023 Due
Due Date: March 15, 2023
Instructions for Submission
- Download the TACC Administrative Salary Information Request FY 2023 Excel Template from the link provided below.
- Complete “FY2023 Salary” sheet:
- If your college is part of a multi-campus district, please submit one report for the college district.
- Aside from campus presidents, the information reported should be for district level employees.
- Provide the most current data available for the requested positions.
- Please enter the employee’s information for the most closely analogous position.
- If the same employee fills multiple positions, please enter that employee's information for all applicable positions.
- Save the completed data template with the following format for the file name: College Name_ Salaries_FY2023.
- Click on “Document Center” in the bottom right corner to upload your completed template.
- If your college is part of a multi-campus district, please submit one report for the college district.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Elizabeth Chivers,
TACC Administrative Salaries FY 2023 Template