CCDay 2025

Community College Day

The Texas Association of Community Colleges is pleased to host Community College Day at the capitol on February 3, 2025! This event allows community college students the opportunity to directly engage with their state senators and local representatives. Students will hear from higher education leaders, interact with State Leadership and learn how to effectively advocate for education. We encourage every college to attend. 

This page provides an overview of the day and helpful links. Reach out to Chelsea Laughrun at [email protected] with any questions or concerns. 


Community College Day invites Texas college students to engage with their elected officials and discuss issues relevant to them and higher education.

Overview of the Day

Below is a high-level overview of Community College Day. As a reminder, every college is responsible for booking their own legislative meetings. For your convenience, the TACC team has created this helpful guide providing a step by step on how to effectively schedule a meeting with your local representatives. 

CCDay 25 Schedule


9:00 AM CT    Registration, Breakfast Tacos, & Coffee
10:00 AM CT     Rally on the Capitol South Steps
10:30 AM CT    College Photos on South Steps
11:00 AM CT   College Meetings with Legislators 
1:30 PM CT     Lunch on your own 
2:30 PM CT     Student-Led Debrief
3:30 PM CT    Adjourn
CC Day flyer for webinar


TACC is partnering with Young Invincibles, Breakthrough Central Texas, and Education Trust once again to present an informative webinar for students prior to their trip to Austin. This webinar will share helpful tips about effective student advocacy and explain what to expect on Capitol grounds.   

Get Ready for Community College Day at the TX Capitol

Wednesday, January 29 at 6pm CST

Want to make sure your voice is heard when talking to state lawmakers about the issues that concern you? Want to advocate powerfully for yourself and your fellow students? Join this interactive session with student leaders across Texas, including members of the Student Advisory Council, to prepare for Community College Advocacy Day on January 29. 



Tweet at us!

Use the hashtags below and tell us about your Community College Day experience.


Community College Day Partners


The Education Trust

The Education Trust is committed to advancing policies and practices to dismantle the racial and economic barriers embedded in the American education system. Through our research and advocacy, Ed Trust improves equity in education from preschool through college, engages diverse communities dedicated to education equity and justice, and increases political and public will to build an education system where students will thrive.

Visit their site

Breakthrough Central Texas

Breakthrough is the leading college access and success nonprofit in Central Texas. For more than 20 years, we have partnered with thousands of middle and high school students who aspire to be the first in their family to graduate with a degree or certificate. We make a radical, long-term commitment to students, to and through college, unlocking the power of education and a lifetime of opportunity. We support the whole student with personalized services, work closely with community partners, campuses, and employers, and advocate for our students with lawmakers.

Visit their site 

Young Invincibles (YI)

Young Invincibles aims is to amplify the voices of young adults in the political process and expand economic opportunity for their generation. YI has expanded from a group run out of a school cafeteria to a national organization with offices across the country. They take on issues related to health care, higher education, and economic security. YI is committed to expanding economic opportunity for young adults ages 18 to 34 and making sure that their perspective is heard wherever decisions are being made. They focus on ensuring young communities with the least access to political and economic power have a say. 

Visit their site 
